Monday, March 9, 2009

Legal Limit Labs testosterone pills

5-deca-zol is a man-made testosterone pill designed to increase muscle mass, testosterone, and strength. It can be taken once or twice a day, depending on what your goals are. A couple of my friends and I got on it around the same time, but did different dosages. 5DZ will require at least three weeks of post cycle therapy.

I elected to take the sub lingual pill twice a day during my training for about a month and a half. We can call it six weeks to make things easier. Mine were fruit punch flavored. You are supposed to bite them into small pieces, then slide the fragments under your tongue for absorption. Do not just swallow the pill. Bottle label is pretty clear about that. I suggest you do NOT brush your teeth right before taking your 5DZ. I took mine usually 30 minutes after breakfast (8:45), and the second pill around 3:30 after a light snack.

I weighed roughly 174 when I took Legal Limit Labs' 5-deca-zol, and came off at around 193. Keep in mind that I am a hard gainer with rather 'skinny genes'. I absolutely got stronger and gained weight while taking this testosterone pill.

Most of the time I was lifting heavy weight doing four or fives different exercises per muscle group. I did chest exercises 5 sets with reps of 5 attempting to add as much mass as possible. My leg exercises are not a useful barometer because I have knee and ankle problems. I cannot lift legs with heavy weights and NOT have sore knees. Since I play basketball a few days a week, I elected to do 4-6 exercises, 4 sets of 8-12 reps on legs. Arms were mostly heavy weight, 3-5 exercises, 4-5 sets with 8-10 reps. Same for shoulders.

Both of my friends whom took it had positive results, gained weight, and added strength. Of the three of us, none saw visual results, no dramatic change in appearance. This product built stronger muscle than I would have without it. Gaining weight and strength without gaining much mass indicates that it is an effective supplement.

I did not experience any side effects; no acne, no weird muscle cramping, no loss of sleep. My first friend also experienced no negative side effects. Second friend, however, did develop some very minor acne on his arms. This may be a result of the 5DZ, but the acne would likely not have developed if he did not shave his arms. He has taken other testosterone pills before without acne side effects. Overall, side effects amongst three males ages 23-25 were very minimal if at all present.

Once I went off 5DZ, I lost a few pounds right away, even with post cycle therapy. I am currently 188 and have been on PCT for about 11 days. I imagine I wont drop under 183. So, I gained about 18 pounds, maybe 8 of which will come off naturally during post cycle therapy.

After using 5-deca-zol, it is very important to take some kind of post cycle therapy. While 5DZ is NOT a steroid, it does increase testosterone, so proper anti-estrogen supplementation after use is necessary. I suggest Inhibit-E. Also, be sure to take your milk thistle extract because these types of man-made chemical supplements are real work for your liver to break down.

All in all, I will definitely take use this supplement again. It was effective, I gained strength and weight without adverse side effects of any kind.


  1. you have no idea what your talking about do you. what you just took was a high dosage of superdrol with a lower dosage of halodrol. basically i wonldnt recomend taking anything that has two methylated compounds in it unless you like destroying your liver. what you just took can do some serious dammage to your body. if any of you read this please keep in mind that this guy is an idiot. fist of all he did not gain that much weight in muscle mass. lets think about that. hmmm 18 lbs of muscle. take 18 16oz stakes and put them on a plate a look at how much muscle 18lbs really is. on somthing like this 2lbs at very best is possible. get a clue bud. secondly if you are below the age of 25 dont even think about taking them. thats of course if your willing to sacrafice you liver, libido, heart, cholosterol levles, blood pressure, TESTICLES, and might indefinately shut down your nuts.....for those of you who dont know what that means...permenant limp dick! so yea have fun guys. if you truely want to get big and stay big your tools include a healthy protine rich diet, a good exercise plan, lots of cardio its mor important than you think and sleep, lots of sleep. i hope you boys think twice about what this guy said and heed my warning about using them. none of it is natural. you may not realize what kind of dammage you really are doing to your body.

  2. im 16 took 5 deca and i took 17 phero when i was 14 and im fine deca made me gain 50 pounds on my bench and im still gaining on my recycle if u wanna get strong get deca

  3. what pct did you use?

  4. im 17 years old 165 lbs. and im seriously considering buying this product from complete nutrition. i really want that ripped strong look and im wondering if this will do it...

  5. Im also on 5-deca-zol and buzzerk and it has stregthened my workout tremendously. I now can workout longer and harder without getting mentally tired and it feels like I can go on lifting for hours more. I havent been able to lift as much as I would like bec of my gym hours but I do believe it has mad quite the difference. The guys here at Complete Nutrition are top notch and have taken away a live long GNC customer due to their knowledge and trust. I reccoment this to anyone that is 20 or older due to that no teenager should take testosterone or any kind of HGH! Stick with Protein, eating right, and maybe creatine. Its got my approval!

  6. im 15 and idk what to think iget a different answer every site and i need answers take it or not???????????

  7. Work hard and don't take things like this, stick to a lean diet with lots of protein and carbs, all this is hype, the best thing to do is be stric with yourself and go everyday and follow your routine, look at "Huge" Jackman or even Shia LaBeouf, any high paid celeb or anyone else that does it right just has the proper diet and treats their body with respect, products like this are the opposite and when you stop taking it you will just be even less motivated to go to the gym and quickly lose any "progress" you made on the supplement. You can agree or disagree, but the truth is work hard and eat properly with some vitimans and protein and you will see all the results you desire

  8. im 16 and am just about to complete my cycle, although i didnt really gain much as far as weight goes (about 5 pounds) i did notice that i had alot more definition as far as looks go and my bench press went from 285 up to 315. i did develop some acne on my face though which i will be much happier once that is gone hopefully taking the recycle should take care of it

  9. it really bothers me when kids still in high school take stuff like this, then post on forums or sites about their cycle and everything. i once contemplated buying a weaker product similar to this, but i did my research and found that it could WRECK my body for good. so, to all the high school football players that want to get bigger and want this product, DO NOT BUY IT.

  10. Gotta say, I don't understand why any high school kid would ever think of taking this stuff. 30 or 40 year olds consider it because as they get older, their testosterone (and hgh) levels drop and they want to get the levels of a 20 year old again. Teenagers don't need this because their bodies don't need help building muscle. The only reason it's ever hard for them to put on muscle is if they're still growing in height because their bodies are putting the priority on getting taller, not more muscular. Once you stop growing, putting muscle on will be quite easy. When I graduated high school I weighed 165 lbs. I've always lifted weights but haven't always been completely committed, but by my mid-to-late 20's, I weighed 215 lbs with less fat. That's 50 lbs of muscle in 8 years or so. Work hard and you'll get there. You should reasonably try for a pound a month, maybe two for you teenagers. And if you have a lot of trouble putting on muscle, maybe you're built for Ironmans or something else.

  11. lol wow people these days. Do yourself a favor and actually research the stuff out there.Dont just read what other people say and believe it. yeah it can be harmful and mess you up if your a complete retard. 5-deca-zol can be taken and ran perfectly fine if u do it right. With messing up your liver thats why they made Milk thistle. 100% needed is a pct,no questions asked. But i will agree if ur under 21 u shouldnt/ dont even need to be taking this stuff. But when it comes down to it if ur that afraid of taking something like this or dont want to risk it then plain and simple just Dont.

  12. About 3 wks into cycle, i wound up in the hospital - messed my liver up. That was in early august - my liver is still not working right - i'd tell anybody not to take it - you just don't know what it can do.

  13. Well it does say dont swallow maybe you should have read the bottle

  14. i'll be 13 in January. i asked my older brother to buy me the 5-deca from complete nutrition, and he did. they taste really good, its like my new favorite candy! i have put on 9 pounds and i am almost done with the bottle. i like it!

  15. Wow all of u teenagers are straight idiots. Im 16 all I do is eat right and drink protein powders and I've gained 15 pounds in 3 months. I realize its not all muscle but either way I have gained 20 pounds in my bench and I've also gained about 50 pounds on my squat. This 5 Deca Zol stuff is NOT necessary for a teenager!

  16. well i just got on tren black and im kinda prayin that my liver stays fine i put alot of money into it and i cant really afford to stop now.

  17. Drink alot of water... Enough said

  18. anyone on tren black black by legal limit labs?? if so how is it doin for you??

  19. I'm 34...due to this crap, I now have the broke dick syndrome. My marriage sucked due to lack of sex. Trust me,I looked awesome(worked out hard). When I stopped taking supplements and went all natural,my testosterone levels went to crap. Once you start taking supplements,you better be ready to wreck your liver. So basically you have to figure out whats more important...the way you look on supplements or the way you look naturally!!! Work out hard and don't be a dumb A%@....Like me....I'm not saying don't take this stuff, just be ready to aleays take this out hard...exercise...and lots and lots of will naturally boost your testosterone levels...masturbation may not work,so keep it out of your hand as much as possible

  20. I ran Tren Black for a four week cyclye. I took milk thistle. I gained 65 pounds on my bench and 90 on my squat. I had no side effects

  21. I am thinking about taking 5 deca. I am 227 lb and 5'11", thats about 40 lb overweight.will this product help me cut fat while puting on lean muscle?

  22. Prohormones are idiocy, plain and simple.

    Take me for example: starting in November, I started working out, but got injured at the end of the month. I'm thirty-five years old, diabetic, I lift three times a week (Monday, Wednesday and Friday) with my fiancée, we use compound movements for our workouts, and cardio on off days. Rest Saturday and Sunday.

    I supplement protein post workout and for one of my five daily meals, eat oats for breakfast and eat a balanced diet (total macronutrients are about 40% protein, 30% fats, 30% carbs...)...

    As I said, I was injured at work in November, an AC separation. Couldn't lift again 'til the first week of Feb this year. In the last TWO WEEKS I've gained about fifteen lbs of muscle and dropped about 5% bodyfat. As for workout weights, I've added about 30lbs on bench, 35lbs on squats, 55 on deadlifts, about 25 on standing overhead press, about 35 on bent over rows and gone from one to five chin ups (I'm a 280 lbs fatty that's just starting to put on muscle, mind you).

    If I, a thirty-five year old FATTY can get these kinds of results, and my fiancée, a not fit, but not fat thirty-SIX year old WOMAN can get the same goddamn results WITHOUT prohormones, why the HELL would anyone, much less a TEENAGER whose body should be LOADED with these same hormones NATURALLY, need 'em? You do NOT need this shit. If you THINK you do, you're an idiot, or a loser, take your pick.

  23. im 18 took phero and tren went up 60 pounds on bench press alone but only gained about 10 ibs

  24. I took it when i was 18 and gained about 10-13 lbs on it and i did get big but i didnt do any post cycle this is the only supplement i have ever taken and i am pretty healthy eating wise now, do you think I should be fine health wise or do you think this has really hurten me I am now 19 yrs old

  25. In response to the 35 year old man with AC separation: of course your maxes didn't work out for 3 months. This would happen to any person who has taken a long break from working out or never lifted in their life. Every guy remembers in high school when they were freshman how well the first and second month of lifiting went. But after that it all levels out and gains are constantly minimal. If you take a prohormone just be safe. listen to what the consultants at the nutrition store say, and DO IT. take the right dosage, use liver support and/or estrogen blockers if needed, and do a post cycle to prevent losing all your gains. And if you notice something that's not right(acne, liver problems, lumps, cramps) then stop taking it and talk to the nutrition store you got it from LIKE YOURE SUPPOSED TO.

  26. Actually most ppl at the nutrition store are idiots themselves and give the wrong info to ppl. I know this cause a nutritionist/dietician told me this. there just ppl that work their and have no certifications 2 even be giving anybody advice on supplements. Ask a dietician instead. And i dont believe in this product cause i went from 152-178 lean mass. u just gotta eat more. 50% carbs, 35% protein, 15% percent fat. Increase your diet by 1500 calories a day and power lift and do lots of cardio drink a protein shake daily. you will benefit more this way.

  27. Teenagers should take tribulus if they want to increase testosterone. No need for prohormones at that age, unless they want to do damage to themselves

  28. i took decazol and my weiner got bigger. hell yeah!

  29. Wow, how un-educated some people really are amazes me. Are pro hormones bad, yes for someone who doesnt take them right or someone who is under age. I would not recommend taking any type of steroid or pro hormone until your at least in your mid 20's. But thats my opinion. My reasoning for this is simple: "Your body as a male will not completely hit its peak growth until your in your early 20's". I am 24 years old at a weight of 169 lbs lean and a height of 5'7". Minus the occasional weekly water retention from my saturday cheat meal which consist of way too much salt, and is easily taken care of by drinking a gallon to a gallon and a half of water daily. Also increasing my potassiun intake towards the end of the week helps shed the extra water weight eg., "bananas". I have worked out hard since i was about 19 years old and have battled with weight loss and gain. But what i'm tryin to say for the most part is that as i've gotten older into my twenties it is easier for me to gain lean muscle mass and keep it. Males usually peak sexually and testosterone usually gets even better in late 20's to early 30's. As long as you have taken good care of your body. touch on the subject at hand. I took 5 deca-zol stacked with 3 - test oxo and the optional LLL Optimizer. Deca was in pill/capsule form as well as test oxo and optimizer. I took it in a basic 4 week cycle: 2 deca zol daily, 1 test oxo daily and 2 optimizers daily. The optimizer is basically an estrogen blocker. Eg, milk thistle. While taking this i also supplemented with vitamins: CLA, L-arginine and C and added milk thistle: 3 MT's daily. Starting weight was 165 lbs. By end of fourth week i weighed roughly 178 lbs lean and around 9% body fat. I followed immediately with a PCT of the 3-test oxo again and 6-estro while still taking uber amounts of milk thistle to help heighten liver functions. I had absolutey no side effects and honestly had never felt better. I was setting at 175 lean. Crunching numbers i gained rougly 10 lbs of overall weight. But evenly spread out on all portions of body mass: legs, arms, back, chest, abs etc. That was 1 month ago to the date that i had completely ended my post cycle. I continued with my regular protein intake of 20 grams every two hours, shake immediately after workouts and obviously eating clean. I am now at 169 lbs and still pretty lean. So basically all in all, i gained considerable amounts of muscle in my on cycle, lost about 2 pounds during my pct, and now one month later i only have 4 pounds of lean muscle. So suffice to say, i dont think pro hormones are immediately dangerous to life and health as long as they are taken with proper care and consideration but, for the money, after two months for cycles: 4 weeks on, 4 weeks pct, it really wasnt worth the money they are asking. But it was my first and last time taking any type of steriods. It was an itch i had to scratch. People have to consider what changes their bodies will make even a month after taking any type of pro hormone. Use me as an example, gained 10 lbs of lean body mass on cycle, lost 2 lbs of lean body mass PCT, and now one month after PCT i have lost even more lean body mass at 4 lbs. Setting at a final weight of 169 lbs. Honestly, i'm not urging any teenager to take steriods or anyone to that effect but i'm not telling anyone not to take them either. In my personal endeavor, I would have been better off taking injectables for the money because their about the same price lol.

  30. I took my cycle of 5 deca when I was eighteen, I blew up, put on 25 pounds. Not all muscle but alot of it was. once I finished my cycle I got a little acne on my shoulders but nothing to crazy. Then my wiener stopped getting as hard, Still trying to have my doctor giving my viagra. It sucks.

  31. i just bought it havent taken it yet just waitin on the right time ... had to buy it before they completely took it off the shelf since the FDA is making them discontinue it .. by the way im 21 6'01 and 155 i took fina flex 550-xd bought a year ago went from 145 to 170 in a month but stopped working out due to a new job and now a year later back down to 155 :( sucks starting back but you gotta start somewhere.. not gonna take my 5dz until i have been back in the gym for a while and start plateauing

  32. The bottle reads "Take one (1) capsule in the morning daily"
    They are not Tabs,,You dont eat them like candy!Make sure your gear isnt FAKE
    Call LLL 1(866)366-5766

  33. I'll tell you what, this stuff is a VERY, VERY, VERY potent ph. BUT, I know of people who have taken this with NO pct at all, had no idea what they were doing and are completely fine. This dude that took it now weighs 205 lbs and has been lifting for years, as have I. I easily put on 10 lbs a year with proper diet and liftiing regimen. With a proper diet and routine you should easily gain a minimal of 15 lbs after the PCT. with this, if not a solid 20 lbs. Those gaining only a few lbs off something so potent is not doing anything right. Not to mention, when you are eating right, taking in in the proper amounts of carbs and protein, and consuming a gallon of water or more a day, you will really help to keep your liver cleaned out. I don't care what people say about damaging a liver, sure it may throw your whole system out of whack but a month of this is nothing compared to a month of heavy drinking and many other drugs prescribed from doctors and others. People smoke meth and do hard drugs for years and years of their life sometimes almost every day and they live until they are 30, some 40, others 50!. Those out there trying to turn people away from products like this are just stupid. M-drol I took with 0 sides, put on 15 lbs and went up about 30 lbs in all my lifts, however I did pct because it should be necessary. Taking something like this for a month is nothing compared to a lot of things people could be doing for a month. The media has you scared. When is the last time you knew someone who went to the hospital because they were taking a steroid or a ph? Only time you will see that is if they are dosing wayyyyyy too high. Too much of anything isn't good. Hear about the lady who died from drinking too much water in a short amount of time for a contest? Yeah....Bigger, Faster, Stronger, enough said. Get educated and forget everything you ever learned from the media and sheep that teach you your crap. Think outside the box.

  34. Nice and informative post related to the testosterone pills. Thanks for the blog

  35. does anyone know where to get it?!
