Sunday, April 5, 2009

3 Abs Exercises for a Sexy Core

3 Awesome Abdomnial Exercises to get You a Tight Six Pack

Everybody wants a six-pack, everybody wants a sexy look to their core. Not many people are actually willing to do the work. The best way to get results in your abdominal muscles is to train them, every day! At the beginning, nobody is able to do their set abdominal exercise routine everyday, but that’s the point. You have to set a goal which is attainable, and once you get there, set another goal. Once you have mastered this six pack abs exercise routine, and can do it every single day, you will definitely see results. If/when you get to the point that you no longer feel a burn or struggle to finish this routine, you will need to increase the difficulty, number of exercises, type of exercises, etc.

Here is a great way to start getting a tight, sexy six pack:

1) Hanging Leg Raises - Most gyms these days have a clip-on straps which can be added to a pull up bar, or another sturdy machine with a solid base at the top. You clip the straps onto the top bar and slide your arms in through the straps, then hold onto the tapered top part of the device. Your armpits should be flush with the edge of the arm support strap. Keeping your body as still as possible by maintaining a core muscle squeeze, raise both legs together. You can bend your knees, but the more advanced and effective technique is to keep the legs straight and raise to a point where your hanging body forms an “L” shape. Doing four sets of 20 repetitions will be incredibly difficult, but that is the optimal number. Remember to keep your body from swaying all over by tightening your stabilizing core muscles.

2) Decline Weighted Cruches (with optional twist) - Set a decline bench as high as it will go and find either a medicine ball or a plate. 10lbs will likely be sufficient for at least a couple of weeks. Hold the plate/medicine ball chest high and a few inches in front of you. Flex your abs and crunch upward, exhaling on the way up while contracting your abdominal muscles as tightly as you can. You have the option of twisting from side to side and back before going back down to perform the next repetition. If you are doing the twisting, go to your right side then twist back to the left. The next rep, twist to your left first, and so on. Four sets of 15 - 20 reps is your goal.

3) Standing Rope Crunches - Get one of the ropes and attach it to the weighted pulley system at your gym. Select a weight which you think you can do 4 sets of 20 repetitions with. This will vary greatly from one individual to the next, so experiment and adjust as you do the exercise until you find the weight that is correct for you. Stand with your feet slightly narrower than shoulder width and hold each end of the rope down. I normally have the two ends held against my collar bone with the base of the rope attachment behind my head. Tighten your abdominal muscles and use them to pull your body down towards your knees. Exhale as you do this, make sure you are squeezing hard and exploding through the full range of motion.

You probably will not be able to get through all of this the first time day you attempt it unless you have been working out your abs previously. Keep doing this every day and you will see results. Your abs will constantly be sore, and the day they are not sore from utilizing this six pack forming routine, is the day you add more exercises and weights to the equation. Sexy abdominal muscles are perhaps the most coveted body part, and you will not get there unless you are dilligent about your daily abs. Doing thousands of sit ups every day will eventually eat off all the body fat from those muscles, but the size of your abs will not increase from such exercise; they will only flatten out. Weighted exercises are what cause growth in mass, which is what you want to have a visibly impressive six pack.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Tribulus Terrestris Benefits for Men

How Tribulus Terrestris Benefits Men

Tribulus terrestris can naturally improve male health in a number of ways. Terrestris benefits have been proven to increase the volume of LH (luteinizing hormone), which stimulates the testes to produce more testosterone. The LH is manufactured in the pituitary gland, which is the center for hormone production and balance. Tribulus extract only works within the natural limits and ranges of the human body, meaning that it will not cause the body to continually increase testosterone production.

One the tribulus terrestris benefits is that it can aid in normal erections, as well as increase libido, and the quality and quantity of sperm. These are the primary reasons tribulus terrestris was used in the old world, and continues to be used now. Several studies in done in Bulgaria have shown that men of various ages often show a marked increase (30% or more) in their testosterone levels after five days of consuming three servings of tribulus terrestris extract (250mg capsules per serving). In China, tribulus terrestris extract has been used for centuries for many reasons. It was used to treat headaches and dizziness, as well as premature ejaculation and general impotence.

Other European research has shown that tribulus extract will lead to increase volume and quality of sperm. Sperm require 80 days to reach maturity, so one must take terrestris extract for 80 days before the benefits to a man's sperm will be evident. Tribulus terrestris will increase sex drive in those whom sex drive is lacking, as well as increase hormonal balance. Tribulus is non-hormonal, which means it cannot and will not boost testosterone or LH production beyond the body's natural capacity.

Lucky Vitamin
offers GoodNNatural's Tribulus Terrestris extract 250mg for under 5$ most of the time.