Monday, March 9, 2009

Post Cycle Therapy Inhibit-E

Inhibit-E is an anti-estrogen/testosterone booster manufactured by Serious Nutrition Solutions. It is designed to optimize natural testosterone levels, and decrease levels of estrogen. Inhibit-E used by itself may not actually do very much. These are not testosterone pills. I have ONLY used it as part of post cycle therapy (PCT).

I have used inhibit-E several times in my life, and have always been happy with the results. Logically, PCT should prevent estrogen levels from increasing, and should maintain current testosterone levels. This is very important after using any kind of testosterone booster/steroid/pro-hormone complex during weight training. Also, milk thistle is important to take while using these kind of supplements because of the work your liver does to break down these chemicals.

Inhibit-E has done a very good job for me. I have taken many supplements which boost testosterone, as well as pro-hormonal complexes. I have never had any gyno, which I would like to believe the inhibit-E is responsible for. I have done cycles which gained me 20+ pounds, but I would lose more than half this weight because I was unaware of PCT. I took TwinLabs testosterone pills "Andro Fuel" (androstenedione and yohimbe bark extract), gained weight, got HUGE, got much stronger. I lost almost every bit of what I gained because I did NOT use inhibit-E, or any kind of post cycle therapy at all.

I have heard of many different kinds of supplements used for post cycle therapy, but inhibit-E has always done a good job of keeping my gains. I lost little of the gained weight, the strength decreased only minimally if anything, and I have yet to have acne problems, mood swings, or other adverse side effects due to hormonal imbalance. It is an excellent product. Dosage does need to be tapered so that you start out taking 2-3 pills a day for a week, then second week just 2, and by the third week you only take one pill a day.

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