Saturday, April 4, 2009

Tribulus Terrestris Benefits for Men

How Tribulus Terrestris Benefits Men

Tribulus terrestris can naturally improve male health in a number of ways. Terrestris benefits have been proven to increase the volume of LH (luteinizing hormone), which stimulates the testes to produce more testosterone. The LH is manufactured in the pituitary gland, which is the center for hormone production and balance. Tribulus extract only works within the natural limits and ranges of the human body, meaning that it will not cause the body to continually increase testosterone production.

One the tribulus terrestris benefits is that it can aid in normal erections, as well as increase libido, and the quality and quantity of sperm. These are the primary reasons tribulus terrestris was used in the old world, and continues to be used now. Several studies in done in Bulgaria have shown that men of various ages often show a marked increase (30% or more) in their testosterone levels after five days of consuming three servings of tribulus terrestris extract (250mg capsules per serving). In China, tribulus terrestris extract has been used for centuries for many reasons. It was used to treat headaches and dizziness, as well as premature ejaculation and general impotence.

Other European research has shown that tribulus extract will lead to increase volume and quality of sperm. Sperm require 80 days to reach maturity, so one must take terrestris extract for 80 days before the benefits to a man's sperm will be evident. Tribulus terrestris will increase sex drive in those whom sex drive is lacking, as well as increase hormonal balance. Tribulus is non-hormonal, which means it cannot and will not boost testosterone or LH production beyond the body's natural capacity.

Lucky Vitamin
offers GoodNNatural's Tribulus Terrestris extract 250mg for under 5$ most of the time.

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